Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Breast feeding 'politics' - a post and a response

I absolutely had to share this recent post and comment doing the rounds on the net.

Well known Australian blogger and social commentator Mia Freedman recently posted on her blog about her thoughts on the over zealous promotion of breast feeding becoming 'borderline bullying'. Within this post she shared the story of a friend in hospital who needed some formula. Read the original blog here http://www.mamamia.com.au/parenting/lets-chill-out-about-breasts/

Model and author Tara Moss, who is also a UNICEF ambassador, responded to this blog post with an articulate and evidence based response. It is one of the best articles I have read in a long time. This response is not supposed to demonise those who formula feed, for any reason. It is instead a comment on the importance of health workers continuing to promote breast feeding at every opportunity. Read Tara's response here http://blog.taramoss.com/index.php?itemid=739

I hope you enjoy these blogs if you have not seen them already, and find them as informative as I did.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Breast feeding baby: a recipe for for a challenging baby?

Not long ago, some new research was released on breast feeding babies. After studying questionnaires filled in by mothers of babies aged 3 months, the researchers concluded that breast fed babies were harder to soothe, less likely to smile or laugh and more likely to be distressed. This research received wide publicity in the media, and triggered much debate and discussion amongst my peer group.

I am massively pro-breast, and find this type of research to be truly alarming. Not because I am worried my baby may be 'difficult', but because I am worried it will influence new mothers decisions about breast feeding.

So is the research right?